3 c-prints each of cm. 80x100 -
edition of 3 (2013)
6 c-prints - 1 of cm. 100x75 + 5 of cm. 75x50 -
edition of 3 (2010-2011)
4 c-prints - 1 of cm. 100x75 + 3 of cm. 75x50 -
edition of 3 (2009-2011)
104 c-prints various size edition of 3
26 hand applied texts on color and b/w prints cm. 21x29 (unique edition)
(Italian Texts are on in the book “Le Attese Imperfette” (Qudu Libri, 2018) -
English Version is in the TEXTS section of this site)
30 Hand applied texts and photographs on College ruled Composition School book Red Cover / 80 pages / each of cm.18x24
English version in separate booklet
4 wall Installations
2. Nightswimming
3. Hourglass
4.The last letter to my father
20 BW unfixed contact prints with handmade emulsion-cm.60x70 each (1988-2000)
LESIONI PERMANENTI è una serie composta da un numero variabile di immagini fotografiche rielaborate nel corso del tempo con l’apposizione di scritture, tagli, bruciature e montaggi su supporti diversi, nonché mutamenti dimensionali. La serie copre il periodo dal 1984 al 2024.
PERMANENT INJURIES is a series composed of a variable number of photographic images reworked over time with the addition of writings, cuts, burns and montages on different supports, as well as dimensional changes. The series covers the period from 1984 to 2024.
Mixed media constructions in wooden or carton boxes various size (1990-2024)
STILL (1981-2010) -10 c-/bw prints each 30x40 cm - edition of 5